Website Accessibility Statement
Website Accessibility Statement
At Homelands we are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. We are actively working to increase the accessibility and usability of our website, and in doing so aim to follow as closely as possible to the available standards and guidelines published by organisations such as RNIB and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
The site displays correctly in current web browsers. If you view our site on an older browser, you may find pages do not display as intended (especially if the browser is no standards compliant). We recommend you upgrade your browser to the latest version of one of the following, to get the most from our site. At time of writing these are as follows, however please check with your preferred browser which the most up to date version is.
Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 11 or Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox version 51.0.1
Apple Safari version 10
Google Chrome 56
Whilst Homelands strives to adhere to the accepted guidelines and standards for accessibility and usability it is not always possible to do so in all areas of the website. We are continually seeking solutions that will bring all areas of the site up to the same level of overall accessibility. In the meantime if you should experience any difficulty in accessing the Homelands websites, please contact us.
Talking software and other helpful Apps
There are various providers of software creating products to help you with this and other websites, such as the Thunder Screen Reader or the various Georgie Phone apps for use on mobile devices
We have designed our website with the following in mind:
1) Ease of Use of the website
Our phone number is visible at the bottom of all web pages enabling you to contact us in person.
We have written the website in easy to read plain English.
We have incorporated good colour contrast for ease of reading
We have incorporated easy to navigate drop down menus
We have incorporated a number of photos showing the facilities (images with alt tags for the visually impaired where appropriate)
We have incorporated photos and details of equipment that can be booked in our website and on our booking pages.
Our online booking system is easy to navigate and can give up to date price and availability for our accommodation.
2) Downloads
Our access statements and terms and conditions are available as PDF documents which is accessible to screen readers. We can also provide them in large print on request.
Access statements are available in audio format as an MP3 file
3) On Line Booking
All our accommodation is available to book online via the navigation buttons on the website
We accept credit card, debit card, bacs and cheque payments (although please note cheque payments carry a £3 supplement)
4) Post Booking
We provide comprehensive written details regarding your stay, directions, key collection details etc. once you have made your booking
On arrival you will find a comprehensive information book listing local attractions and amenities with details regarding their accessibility. We also recommend you visit Euan’s Guide for comprehensive up to date reviews on accessible attractions in the area.
> Download this Website Accessibility Statement
Also available in large print. If you have any comments or suggestions on web accessibility issues relating to the Homelands website please contact us on 01333 329039 or e mail