Volunteer at Homelands
Volunteer at Homelands
Our amazing volunteers come from all walks of life, each bringing their own unique skills, experiences, and perspectives. 💙 Their dedication and enthusiasm make such a difference, helping us provide the best possible service to our guests and community. We couldn’t do it without them! 🙌
Our amazing volunteers come from all walks of life, each bringing their own unique skills, experiences, and perspectives. 💙 Their dedication and enthusiasm make such a difference, helping us provide the best possible service to our guests and community. We couldn’t do it without them! 🙌
Whatever skills you have and however much time you can spare, there are lots of ways you can get involved at Homelands. If you are a good listener, get on well with others, and you’re committed and enthusiastic, you already have many of the skills we need.
We offer ongoing support and training to all our volunteers to make sure you’ll feel confident in carrying out your role to the best of your ability.
Benefits of volunteering
Benefits of volunteering
If you’re in S5 or S6 at school, volunteering will help build your self-confidence and social skills, as well as giving you an edge in higher education and job applications.
If you’re a student, it provides invaluable work experience to supplement your academic learning.
If you are temporarily out-of-the-workforce bringing up children, it can give you an opportunity to refresh your skills and learn new ones before tackling the job market.
Working people tell us that volunteering at Leuchie gives them a reality check and a different lens through which to view the stresses of their working lives.
Our retired volunteers say that it helps keep them connected and introduces them to lots of interesting people.