Every year the streets of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee, and Aberdeen are flooded with tartan, as the “kind-hearted” Kiltwalk community come together and take “big strides for charities close to their hearts.”

And this September, seasoned Kiltwalker and our very own cracking general manager, Helen Lawrenson, takes to the streets of Edinburgh for the fourth time – raising money for Homelands Trust, of course. But this year she’s joined by her good friend, Mo, as she embarks on her maiden ramble donning an exquisitely ill-suited pair of salmon-coloured flip-flops. Let’s pray there’s a long-lost Australian ancestor watching over her ankles and protecting her from blisters.

Since its rescue by The Hunter Foundation in 2015, The Kiltwalk has grown into one of the UK’s largest peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns and is Scotland’s largest mass participation walking event.

Over 172,000 people have taken part and raised more than £47.5 million for 3,660 charities, of which every penny goes directly to participants’ charity of choice plus up to 25% extra in Gift Aid.

We’re super proud of these two and so thankful for the hard work they’re putting in to help us!

> Helen’s JustGiving can be found here

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